Yes - there’s so much to learn when planning an epidural that can make your birth experience so much easier, and decrease your risk for tearing.
Epidurals come with risks and benefits, and they come with many more options for interventions that you need to be aware of.
Providers sometimes say things like “lets get these monitors on you” once you get an epidural. But — did you know there are multiple options for monitoring, each with their own risks and benefits? And - you get to choose which options feels best for you.
Providers may also say, “great you’re 10 cm, let’s get you on your back for pushing,” but did you know that there are certain positions for pushing you can assume that decrease the risk for tearing, even with an epidural? And there are different ways you can push with an epidural.
By doing these positions to support your baby as they move through the pelvis, your risk of needing a cesarean will dramatically decrease. I cover everything you need to know to feel empowered and informed during birth with an epidural.