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Add the Complete Guide to Infant & Postpartum Care now for $100 off!

-Learn your rights to immediate skin-to-skin, even if you’re afraid hospital staff will take your baby away.

-Discover options for what to do with your placenta.

-Learn everything you need to know about newborn care.

-Learn to avoid common mistakes to ensure breast or body feeding success with your newborn. 

The Peaceful Birth Method Online Course

Learn the 5-steps to having a peaceful birth experience 

In this course, you will…

  • Discover how to prevent tears during childbirth with 5 simple steps.
  • Learn the risks and benefits of interventions and make birth choices with confidence.
  • Discover simple positions for labor & birth that anyone can use to reduce pain and shave hours off your labor
  • Discover how to release fear and have a peaceful birth experience, even if you’re terrified of labor.
  • Learn how to create the ideal environment for giving birth, even if you don’t know where to start. 

What People Are Saying:

Before working with Victoria, I had this fear about my birth. I had a fear of tearing and pain during labor. And now since working with her, I feel this peace, this security. I have a way of navigating how to give birth this time... I am going to approach it differently

Mayli Galvin

I definitely felt more prepared and confident going into labor and delivery after taking the class. It really led to an empowering birth story.

Rachel Carter

This course is so thorough that most people could learn something new from it whether or not they’ve had children before.

Quinby Roman

Victoria’s birth preparation course has been one of the most empowering, illuminating, informative experiences of my pregnancy.

Sarah Bennett

I went into Victoria’s birth class as a second-time mom thinking I was going to get a little refresher, definitely not expecting to learn anything new. Man, was I wrong!

Clare Claassen

If you’re looking for empathetic, knowledgeable and loving, then I would hire Victoria

Sierra Corbin