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The Peaceful Birth Method Online Course

This self guided course will teach you everything you need to know to actualize the birth of your dreams.
I’m Ready to Birth in Power!

Birth as a Rite of Passage 


Have you ever noticed the lack of recognition, tradition and supportive cultural rituals for birthing families in the West? Peaceful Birth Method is geared towards reviving the lost art of communal ceremony, respectful birth rituals and proper postpartum care. As we bring a child into the world, we simultaneously give birth to that child's mother or parent. This incredibly delicate yet powerful metamorphosis is shaped by your beliefs about yourself and your child, as well as the support you receive along the way. Whether you wish for communal celebrations or prefer internal work, this course will teach you how to weave a deeper sense of significance into your gestating, birth and postpartum experience.

A Rite of Passage 


Have you ever noticed the lack of recognition, tradition and supportive cultural rituals for birthing families in the West? Birth Untethered is geared towards reviving the lost art of communal ceremony, respectful birth rituals and proper postpartum care. As we bring a child into the world, we simultaneously give birth to that child's mother. This incredibly delicate yet powerful metamorphosis is shaped by your beliefs about yourself and your child, as well as the support you receive along the way. Whether you wish for communal celebrations or prefer internal work, this course will teach you how to weave a deeper sense of significance into your gestating, birth and postpartum experience.

Let’s Talk Evidence 


Current evidence based information gives us a better picture of the true risks and benefits of the many medical interventions available. This course is rich with resources, tools and practices that support your family in cultivating a sense of informed consent with your providers. We reveal the plentiful options available in multiple birth settings, including home, birth center and hospital. You will emerge from this course so well educated, self aware and confident in your birth choices, the success of your birth will seem inevitable.

Awaken Your Wisdom


Unlike other birth classes, this holistic course reaches elements beyond the physical by incorporating the spiritual, energetic and emotional body to enhance the connection to yourself, deepen the bond with your child and support your authentic experience as a whole. Let us forge the powerful baby bond by cultivating mutual trust, gratitude and recognition of one another. Bring expansive awareness to the energetic exchanges you both share and allow profound insights to flood your collective experience. 

Return to Your Roots


Let us awaken the wise one within, the one who knows how to give birth just as their ancestors have. Learn to channel the undomesticated spirit within you and align with the spontaneous, free flowing nature of labor and birth. We unpack fear based messages and culturally accepted birth rituals that have shaped our collective understanding of birth. We’ll teach you to implement helpful practices for overcoming fear, balancing action and surrender, and embracing labor sensations with ease. Through the process of unlearning, we create space for your unique beliefs and relationship with birth to authentically unfold. 

The Birth of Your Dreams


Dive into the waters of your own heart to discover your highest wishes for this journey, and learn to compassionately incorporate them into your pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience. You will gain the knowledge and self awareness necessary to consciously construct your birth container in alignment with your highest truth. We discuss the delicate matrix of hormones, how to naturally encourage their production and what the optimal environment for normal, physiological birth looks like. We share an incredibly detailed offering of how birth works and the many ways a laboring person can be supported. 

Birth Your Dreams


Dive into the waters of your own heart to discover your highest wishes for this journey, and learn to compassionately incorporate them into your pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience. You will gain the knowledge and self awareness necessary to consciously construct your birth container in alignment with your highest truth. We discuss the delicate matrix of hormones, how to naturally encourage their production and what the optimal environment for normal, physiological birth looks like. We share an incredibly detailed offering of how birth works and the many ways a laboring person can be supported. 

Reclaim Sovereignty


The time has come for women and all birthing people to be centered in their birth experince, reclaiming complete autonomy over themselves. By offering tools, education and mindfulness practices, this course will empower you to walk into your birth experience feeling safe, confident and connected while maintaining authority throughout the entire process. With a balance of information and intuition at your fingertips, you will learn to tune into your body’s innate wisdom while harnessing your understanding of birth to completely optimize your laboring experience. 

Herbal Allies 

Learn to holistically utilize the beneficial properties of plants throughout pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Not only do we cover the physical support plants offer, we journey into the realm of ecological intelligence and learn to use plants for their unique emotional, energetic and spiritual properties as well. When used mindfully, plants take us deep into the realm of the inner self and unlock the doors to the subconscious. They can support us in clearing old belief systems, negative thought processes, old patterns and fears. Plants can shift energetic imbalances, bring us into alignment with our integrity and intention, help us to find purpose in life and reclaim dissociated fragments of our being. This course will reveal the many plants supportive to your transition into parenthood, and teach you how to use them in support of your mind, body and spirit.

Postpartum Care 


Not only does this course offer labor and birth education, we illustrate all the must-knows surrounding the immediate postpartum window. We illustrate the risks and benefits of many medical tools available for your newborn, and offer resources from evidence based sources such as ACOG and Evidence Based Birth. We discuss delayed cord clamping, delayed bathing, releasing the placenta, skin to skin, the first latch, and more. In addition, we provide an abundance of education to support the entire infant feeding journey, including resources for breastfeeding, chestfeeding, and other forms of infant nourishment. 

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BUY NOW $125 x 4

Clare Claassen 


I went into Victoria’s birth class as a second time mom thinking I was going to get a little refresher, definitely not expecting to learn anything new- I’d been there and done that and thought I knew it all already. Man, I was wrong! Victoria’s class wasn’t just run of the mill information about the physiological part of birth. It was empowerment. It was exploration of self. It was owning the parts of yourself that impede your confidence in your abilities. It was taking back your power as a woman and a mom. It was building confidence and trust in yourself and your birth team. It was an inclusive and open space that gave me the tools I needed to have a successful home birth. I came to Victoria scared and nervous about having a home birth and I left feeling like I was incapable of failure.

What’s Included?

The Peaceful Birth Method Online Course is the most comprehensive guide available to support you in achieving the birth of your dreams!

Get The Peaceful Birth Method Online Course

Childbirth as a Rite of Passage

Gatherings to Honor the Birthing Family
Self Discovery & Connection
Manifesting the Birth of Your Dreams

Cultivating Confidence 

Navigating Fear
Knowledge, Wisdom & Love 
Recognizing Ancestral Patterns  

Creating Your Nest

The Optimal Birth Environment
The Relationship Between Birth & Orgasm   
The Delicate Matrix of Hormones
Birth Supplies
Water & Land 

Cultivating Your Birth Team

Setting Compassionate Boundaries
Selecting Your Support Network
Variations of Health Care Providers
Communicating Birth Preferences
Pregnancy & Labor Herbal Allies

Actualizing True Informed Care 

Rewriting Birth Rituals 
Autonomy In The Birth Space   
Risks & Benefits of Interventions

Birthing Partners

Birth Partner Preparation
Role of the Support Person
Communicating In Labor
Postpartum Preparation

Preparing for Labor 

Find Your Center 
The Umbrella of Sensation 
Birth Physiology & Mechanics of Labor
Practice Contractions & Stages of Labor

The Dance of Birth   

Positioning, Massage & Props
Rhythm, Repetition & Relaxation
The Use of Sound & Breath
Pushing In Total Surrender
The Optimal Newborn Environment
Birthing Your Placenta 


The First Moments

Cord & Placenta Uses 
All Things Newborn
The First Latch & Breast or Chest feeding
Postpartum Herbal Allies 

I believe in you. Let’s do this!

Meet Your Instructor

Victoria Tippins

Mother, Student Midwife & Childbirth Educator


I have been in love with birth since I can remember. Witnessing the births of my siblings instilled a deep inspiration to pursue birth work from a young age. I feel continuously humbled by the magnificence of reproduction, by the power and intelligence woven within the source of our existence. The experience of birthing my own daughter into the world solidified my heart’s highest wish, to become a guardian of the birthing space. As a birth doula, childbirth educator and student midwife, I have been joyfully supporting women and all people bringing life into the world for over a decade.

My intention is never to instruct, dictate or bestow my personal beliefs upon others, rather, I strive to encourage the authentic expression of labor and hold space in alignment with the family’s highest values. Rather than viewing birth as merely a medical event, I perceive it to be a celebration of life, a rite of passage and a powerful moment of transformation for an entire family. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to share years of collected knowledge with birthing families, to walk alongside their journey in the most supportive way possible.

Get The Peaceful Birth Method Online Course!

Labor & birth photos by @whenabellyblooms

When A Belly Blooms Photography